Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Rule #1 in Network Marketing

I remember working my tail off to build my business, but then later watching it fall apart.  
There's nothing more frustrating!

Fortunately, I found some great mentors.  These were men that understood how to build this business one time, the right way.  They understood how to create a true leveraged income business that will continue to grow even without you.  

You see, what happens is, when you build your network marketing business the wrong way, you can never stop working!  You haven't built it on a firm foundation.

There are 3 keys to building a leveraged income business where one day, you can walk away and your business continues to grow even without you:

1. You have to use your product and believe in your product.  

2. You have to have a duplicatable system and make sure your team follows it to a "T".

3. You have to develop leaders who can run their teams with you or without you.  The way you develop these leaders is to lead by example.  You can't just tell your team what to do.  They have to see you doing it!

Today, I'm going to talk about #1.  I'll cover #2 & 3 in the future.  
Rule #1:  You have to use your product and believe in your product.

This is rule #1 for a reason!  Without this, I promise you, you will never build a business that lasts.

Now, before I get into why it is so important that you use and believe in your product, I want to ask you a question and I want you to really answer it with complete honesty. 

My question to you is, are you really serious and willing to do what it takes to build a true walk-away leveraged income business?  

You see, a lot of people will say "yes" to that question, but when it comes down to doing what it takes, they start making excuses.  

For those of you who are are saying "YES, I am willing to do what it takes without making excuses", let's take a look and make sure you are following rule #1.

Here's what you need to do today to ensure you are following my rule #1 of network marketing:
Consume the product.