Thursday, November 12, 2015

Industry leaders create new company!

As some of you know, I have been using Expedia for over 20 years!  
I am now able to save up to 85% off expedia prices with this travel membership.
You can make money in so many different ways with it as well, it's incredible!

My friend Heidi was a horse trainer in Colorado for years, but she was trading time for money...
She answered and ad and got involved with a man name Anthony Powell.  Anthony was one of the
top distributors with HerbalLife and then joined Vemma.  He has been trained by the leaders in the
industry of affiliate and network marketing, such as Jim Rohn and Mark Hughes.  Heidi has been 
working closely with Anthony for over 11 years and both have become 7 figure income earners.

Now I have joined forces with this powerful team and will do whatever is asked to be a leader
in the new endeavor they have created.  You can come with us or just watch from the side lines.

But before you do ask yourself these questions, please.

Are trading your time for money?
Do you get treated the way you deserve in your JOB (just over broke)?
Are you answering to some one else when you work and where?
Do have the time freedom to travel or do what you want?
Are you setting yourself up for retirement (SS may not be the answer, I don't care how old you are)?
Would you like to save up to 85% on your travel?
Would you like to help others save money and earn money when they book travel?
Would you like to make money working from home?

I f you answered yes to any of these question, then you owe it to YOURSELF to look at this.

Do you have 35 minutes to watch a video that could change your life?